Web Designer
Design the web site you want and let no template structure limit your abilities!
All the SEO you need

Pretty URLs
Use pretty URLs to make you site urls speak. All what you need is an Apache Server with mod_rewrite enabled.

Sitemap Files
Generates a Sitemap file when a page is saved and send it automatically to Google, Bing and Yahoo to faster index your web site.

Social Meta Tags
Automatically adds social meta tags like Open Graphs and Schemas for Facebook, Google+ and others to your sites meta tags.
Edit content with ease

Multi-language backend
feindura is currently translated into english, german, french, Italian, russian and romanian.
Get your web site right like you want it!

Just HTML,CSS and a little PHP
You don't have to learn another template language, just use your HTML/CSS skills and a little bit of PHP and you are good to go.

Create multilanguage web sites
Its a breeze to add multiple languages to your web site and If you haven't translated every page, feindura displays automatically the existing language for that page.

Create plugins
Plugins are a great way to enhance functionality for your clients. Consider to create your own and share them with the community.

Create your own apps
With Add-ons you can create your own apps running inside the feindura backend. Check out the example add-on to see how.